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What to bring on your ATV trip

Planning an ATV trip? Whether it be for a day or for a weekend, we've put together a list of some necessities that will help you have the best off roading experience possible.

1. Snacks

We recommend snacks that are edible regardless of temperature and are on the tough side. Think snacks that can survive being tossed around while you’re riding. Our suggestions are:

  • Trail mix

  • Dried fruit

  • Beef jerky

  • Granola

  • Nuts & seeds

  • Energy & protein bars


Always bring water, more than you think you will be drinking. It is better to bring too much than to risk not having enough.

3. Change of clothes

Even if you’re only gone for the day, there’s no telling how muddy, sweaty, or dirty your riding clothes will get. It’s a good idea to have a spare change of clothes for after the ride.

4. Spare fuel/battery

Even if you don’t think you’ll be needing the extra fuel or power, it is better to be prepared.

5. Portable phone charger

Nowadays, phones are used for everything. Your phone is your camera, GPS, notebook, radio, and so much more. You do not want your phone dying on you, so be sure to bring a portable battery along.

6. First aid kit

Hopefully you won’t need this on your ATV trip, but it is important to have basic first aid supplies with you in case something goes wrong. Some things to include are:

  • Medication

  • Band aids & gauze

  • Tweezers

  • Ice packs

  • Antiseptic wipes

  • Insect bite relief

In case of extreme emergencies, make sure you have the following. Keep in mind this is covering a worst case scenario, if somehow you get knocked out, you may want this on you.

  • Identification

  • Emergency contact

  • Medical conditions (allergies, diabetes)

7. Tow strap and winch

This is useful in case you or anyone in your group gets stuck. Alternatively, this can be used to drag things such as fallen trees that are blocking the path.

8. ATV mini repair kit

Again, hopefully you won’t need any of this. But in case something needs a quick fix, you should have the supplies to carry that out.

  • Pliers

  • Wrenches

  • Duct tape

  • Zip ties

  • Screwdriver

  • WD-40

  • Air pump and pressure gauge

  • Jumper cables

  • Flash light

9. Sunscreen

Even if it is cloudy outside, you will want to use sunscreen.

10. Bug spray

Especially if you plan on riding through the woods or in the evening, make sure you do not forget bug spray.

11. And of course, a helmet and goggles

Be safe and protect yourself. Never ride alone and always tell someone when/where you plan on going and an estimate of when you plan on returning. ATVs can be a lot of fun but also dangerous. Be prepared for everything and be sure to have a good time.

What do you bring with you on your ATV trips? Let us know in the comments.

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