This past weekend the team at DRR USA packed all of our stuff up and drove an hour and a half to Eleven18 Powersports for their annual Mini Quad Camp. For most of the event attendees, this wasn’t HALF the hike they traveled to be a part of this event. With the forecast calling for a LOT of rain, we were skeptical on just how this weekend would turn out but let me tell you…it was GREAT.

Thursday night into Friday morning trucks started pulling in with their toy haulers and mini quads in tow. Friday morning had the potential for buckets of rain, but these families had already driven so far and invested time and money into attending this event. Fortunately, they stuck it out for the night.
Early Friday the rain held off at the Goodwin compound.
Black clouds on the horizon, the social media team decided to lug out our equipment and catch what we could of our mini’s before the rain hit.
We filmed and filmed…and filmed. Not a single drop of rain touched the track at Eleven18 but we could see it raining all around us…literally all around us, and boy did those mini quad riders take advantage of the awesome overcast weather.
After hours of filming open practice, we decided to pack up and call it a day. We got a TON of great footage. Saturday was supposed to be jam packed with riding, racing and lessons from the pros.
After we packed up for the evening, we stuck around and met some amazing families. Into the night it went, and we waited around for more families to pull in and unload. We know how dedicated our DRR family is, but this weekend brought us closer to our core values and we are so grateful for that!
Saturday was an early wakeup call at the mini quad camp.
A 7 a.m. wake up call meant that everyone would be riding by 8…or maybe 9. With the forecast still calling for some rain, Maci Devenport, Paydon Lingle, Todd Ferris and the team at Root River Racing wrangled up the kids and began teaching mini sessions packed full of starts, stops, turns, jumps, and starting gate practices!
With a few, very brief (and very much needed) showers throughout the day, the camp went on without a hitch! The kids learned so much from their teachers, kicked up a ton of dust and created a lot of friendships.
We can tell our DRR riders love the sport and are completely dedicated to doing what they love whether they are new or pros. We couldn’t be happier to help supply them with what they need for their passion.
DRR founded the company on family adventures, passion, performance, power and an abundance of memories--and that is just what we got from the Eleven18 family this weekend.
The team at DRR would like to thank the entire Goodwin family for hosting this event and for all the hospitality that you showed our DRR family. We couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity that you supplied us with this weekend.
Thank you to all of the riders and families that braved it through the weather forecasts to come out to the mini quad camp. This was such an amazing event centered on mini quad riders and the sport they love.
From one quad family to another, we thank you! We see bright and speedy futures for all of our riders.