Yes Riders, it’s that time again. DRR wants to congratulate Christian Horne from Cookeville, TN for being the February 2018 Rider Showcase Rider!

Christian’s love for the sport began at the age of 5 when he started riding around a Panda. He didn’t start racing until his Poppy and Nana bought him his first built racing machine, a Kasea (Uh-Oh, we forgive you Christian).
He began the ATVMX National Circuit on in 2005. In the year following, 2006, Christian raced four national circuits and placed in the top 10. In 2007 he started his winning streak winning 2nd place in the national circuit. That 2nd place earned him enough recognition to start riding a sponsored DRR DRX 70cc (Woo!) with the help of G-Force, Hot Quads, and Maximum RPM. After getting the DRR honed to perfection, Christian was winning every motocross race he entered. Through the end of the year, he’d won the 70cc CVT National Championship.
Thanks to that championship, in February 2009, Shawn Snyder of SMS with the help of Maximum RPM, G-Force, Hot Quads and additional sponsors awarded Christian another DRR at the Indy Trade Show.
Sadly, Christian’s Nana was in an auto accident that following year where she was paralyzed. Choosing to help his family, racing took a backseat. Since then, Christian has raced locally on occasion.
When asked, Christian reminisced that, “Some of my best memories I ever had from my childhood are spending time with my Nana and Poppy and friends I met at the track, which I will never forget. I’ve learned by having a goal it’s possible to achieve whatever you want in life.”
Now Christian works as an intern at Life Changer’s Outreach. He believes that everyone has “God given talents that can help us achieve what we set out to do.”